About Sig Yig

General information:

There is no information on Siv Yig regarding his parents and siblings. According to oral history, Siv Yig descended from heaven with a spiritual mandate. He came to earth before Buddha and Jesus.

He was married and had a son. Some said there was a daughter as well. There is very information about his wife and children. No one knows if the spouse was a human or also from heaven. Heavenly people could travel back and forth between heaven and earth.

The Heavenly Mother and Father, Puj Saub and Yawn Saub, granted Siv Yig the Power of Spiritual Healing “Fwj Chim Neeb Yaig.” Siv Yig’s mandate was to liberate mankind from Satan, Yawm Ntxwj Nyoog, and his forces of evil, who had unleashed sickness and death upon people on earth.

Siv Yig could travel back and forth between earth and heaven, diagnose an illness cause by the spiritual side, locate and retrieve lost souls, perform exorcism, and revive a deceased person by returning the soul to the body.

One day, Satan summoned Siv Yig to heaven to perform a healing ritual to one of Satan’s children. Satan had a plan to lure Siv Yig from home so that Satan could take the life of Siv Yig’s son.

While Siv Yig was in heaven, Satan took Siv Yig’s son’s soul and transformed it into a cow. The cow was then killed as a feast to honor Siv Yig. Not aware of Satan’s intention, Siv Yig feasted his son’s flesh.

While traveling to earth Siv Yig met his son’s reincarnation soul and asked why he was not with the body. The soul said its earthly body had died.

Siv Yig wanted the soul to return so the body could be revived. The soul said it would be impossible to revive the body since Siv Yig ate the flesh of his son.

Not able to revive his own son, Siv Yig could no longer revive other people on earth. He decided to return to heaven.

Before returning to heaven Siv Yig told people that he would leave his healing power behind. Any righteous person that is fortunate to inherit his healing power will become a shaman with the power to diagnose, heal, and exorcise. However, the power to revive the deceased was permanently removed.

Historical facts:
1. The healing power could be used for diagnose, heal, and exorcise evil spirits.
2. The healing power could perform miracle healings.
3. Siv Yig’s power of spiritual healing is real.
4. Siv Yig’s healing power could be inherited by normal human being.
5. Siv Yig is the only savior that could transfer his healing power to mankind without years of schooling.
6. Siv Yig’s healing power is use to liberate mankind from the wrath of Satan.