


Honoring Siv Yig day will be held on December 16 2017.

Saturday from 9am to 9pm.


Bamboo Hut

1626 White Bear ave. N, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55119


Siv Yig Day is an annual public event held to remember and honor Siv Yig’s legacy as a savior, the first Hmong shaman or spiritual healer, and his power of spiritual healing.

Whether you are a newly chosen candidate, a novice, experience healer, experiencing spiritual issues, or someone seeking more information about Siv Yig and the Power of Spiritual Healing, ” Fwj Chim Neeb Yaig, ” we welcome your participation. Participants are encouraged to wear white clothes.

You will have the opportunity to pay respect, ask for blessing, consult with a healer, and obtain Spiritual services free of charge that day.

Limited free display tables will be available to anyone providing spiritual healing materials or able to provide healing services free of charge. For more information please contact Ger Vang at 651-500-6462 or Nelly Yang at 651-242-0018.

Agenda summary:

From morning to noon we will start off with our welcoming and opening remarks, spiritual cleansing, honoring Siv Yig ritual and spiritual services.

Afternoon to evening we will have a guest speaker, testimonials from healers and general public, special recognition, and asking for blessings from Siv Yig.

We will end the event with closing remarks by David Tswjjfwm Yang.


Siv Yig Hnub yog ib lub koob tsheej tswj xeeb ua rau txhua lub xyoo nco txog thiab teev hawm Siv Yig raws li ib tug cawm seej, tus thawj txiv neeb, thiab nws li hwj chim neeb yaig.

Txawm koj yuav yog ib tug muaj qhua neeb thawj tshiab, nyiam qhua ua neeb, twb ua neeb tau ntau xyoo lawm, los yog ib tug xav paub txog Siv Yig thiab nws li “Fwj Chim Neeb Yaig,” peb thov nquas hu koj tuaj koom.

Koj yuav muaj caij nyoog los pe hawm, thov koob hmoov, tau kev sab laj ntawm cov niam neeb txiv neeb, thiab txais kev pab cuam rau sab ntsuj plig yam tsi yuav nqi dab tsi.

Yog koj xav tau ib lub rooj teeb koom, pab tau kev cawm seej thiab xav paub ntxiv, thov hu tau rau:

Ger Vang     651-500-6462

Nelly Yang   651-242-0018


The Power of Spiritual Healing, “Fwj Chim Neeb Yaig.” Who is Siv Yig?

As a Txiv Neeb, spiritual healers, We are proud to be Siv Yig’s disciple. We strongly believe that the spiritual gift that has been entrusted upon all Hmoob shamans is to be used for the benefit of mankind.

A healing ritual is only performed to diagnose an illness, to retrieve a lost soul, to extend one’s spiritual passport, or to exorcise evil spirits.

For centuries our ancestors have retained the services of Siv Yig’s disciples. A village without a shaman is like a town without a medical doctor. I have never heard of anyone fearing to approach a shaman because he or she represents the power of darkness.

We have seen more and more new shamans with extraordinary spiritual gifts. There is a great need for all of us to educate the general public and to use the healing power to benefit mankind.

Many of us are proud to be Siv Yig’s disciples and grateful that the Heavenly Mother and Father entrusted the Power of Spiritual Healing upon us to serve mankind.

On the contrary, many may be shameful to be called Siv Yig’s disciples. Some may go as far as doing anything to exorcise the Power of Spiritual Healing because it is viewed as the power that represents Satan, Yawm Ntxwj Nyoog.

To increase public awareness about Hmong shamanism and the Power of Spiritual Healing, an annual public event will be held to remember and honor Siv Yig as a Savior and the First Spiritual Healer, Tus Thawj Txiv Neeb. It is held annually on December 16 in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.

The purpose of this event is to remember and honor Siv Yig as the First Spiritual Healer, offer support to Siv Yig’s disciples “niam neeb txiv neeb,” and educate the general public about the Power of Spiritual Healing.

As a shaman or spiritual healer, niam neeb txiv neeb, what do you want people to know about Siv Yig, the Power of Spiritual Healing, and the legacy that you want to leave behind?

Between now and Siv Yig Day, December 16, I will continue to share information regarding Siv Yig and the Power of Spiritual Healing.

May the Heavenly Mother and Father bless you with good health and happiness.